
Entry (1/4)1  tevika
Part of speech  2  noun
Explanations in Malagasy  3  [1.1] Aretina avy amin' ny mikraoby manokana mpamely ny havokavoka: tampoka ny fiaviany, mangatsiaka mafy ny tena ary tsaroana misy maharary mafy ao amin' ny tratra toy ny misy manevitevika; sarotra ny fiainana; misy kohaka fohy ary ny rehoka mivolona harafesina
4  [2.472] amonia
Explanations in French  5  [1.54] pneumonie
Examples  6  Nisy voan' ny tevika ny mpiray toby tamin-dry Feno indray andro; [2.472]
Vocabulary  7  Health
Synonyms  8  amonia, pnemonia

Entry (2/4)9  tevika
Part of speech  10  noun
Explanations in Malagasy  11  [1.1] Fanaintainana ohatra ny misy manindrona
Aretina avy amin' ny bibikelinaretina izay andrenesana fanindrontsindronana ao anaty tratra
Explanations in English  12  [1.2] a spasm
Explanations in French  13  [1.3] douleur poignante, comme celle d'un point de côté
14  [1.54] point de côté
Vocabulary  15  Health
Compound words 

Entry (3/4)17  tevika
Part of speech  18  noun
Explanations in Malagasy  19  [1.1] Loaka amin' ny ravin-tsofina asiana kavina
Explanations in English  20  [1.2] a bore in the lobe of the ear
Explanations in French  21  [1.3] trou pratiqué à l'oreille pour y suspendre les pendants d'oreille
Compound words 

Entry (4/4)25  tevika
Part of speech  26  noun
Explanations in Malagasy  27  [1.1] Ny loadoaka amin' ny zaitra, na ny fanjaitra
Explanations in French  28  [1.3] point de couture
Vocabulary  29  Economy: clothing
Compound words 

Anagrams  39  atevik, tevika

Updated on 2025/01/21